Improve Productivity and Reduce Operating Costs through IO-Link Technology
F85RN-ILP realizes high visibility in the field and visualizes various data through IO-Link.

Preventive Maintenance
being achievable with lesser man-hour by introducing smart sensor: F85RN-ILP.

F85RN-ILP: Essesntial fanctions with simple operability
Simple teaching using a single button

What is IO-Link
IO-Link is a point-to-point serial communication protocol between sensors and/or actuators.
TAKEX is a member of the International IO-Link Consortium to promote the IO-Link communication protocol due to its significant advantages for the industry.
IO-Link System
Flexible solution: IO-Link feature can be added only for a required part of your whole system.

* IODD file can be downloaded from TAKEX WEB site.
* What is IODD?
IODD (IO Device Description) file contains definitional information of a device including device identification, parameters, process data, communication properties and the design of the user interface. IODD file is provided by the device vendor and enables to set up a device by downloading the file. IO-Link Community has a multi-vendor database service for IODDs called IODDfinder.